Sunday, November 6, 2011

How Can I Keep From Singing?

Day twenty-two: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
        I do not have the capacity to voice words that adequately express my feelings for my Savior, but I know that I cannot truthfully write about this day post without trying to express them.
        The Savior has not only gotten me through the most in my life, He has gotten me through everything in my life.  He is my greatest friend.  I would be nowhere without His love, comfort, strength, support, and guidance.  He has never left me alone.  He has gone through so much and sacrificed everything for me so that I would be able to succeed.  Being a member of His true and living church on the earth today has brought me the most peace, joy, direction, meaning, beauty, strength, and happiness than anything else in the entire world.  I know wholeheartedly that I would be lost in misery without the knowledge of these sacred truths.  Jesus the Christ has given me everything and it is through Him that I will continue to make it through everything else.  Truly, no storm can shake my inmost calm.

              Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.