Sunday, July 31, 2011

Only The Best Roommate Ever

Day two:  A picture of you and a person you've been close with for awhile.

This beautiful catch of a roommate is nothing short of amazing.  There's no other way to put it.  She's probably the most sincere, caring, gorgeous, fun, happy, real, and freakin' hilarious person on the earth.  She's a true friend in the highest sense.  You'll never be around her without catching her contagious smile or laughing so hard your stomach hurts.  There's never a boring moment, either--something eventful is always underfoot.  She's beyond a best friend, she's the sister I've never had and would never change for anything in the world.  Love you, Als!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

30 Days of Introduction

Day one:  A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
1. I love the color white.
2. I can't stand wearing jeans on Sundays.
3. One of the hardest things for me to do is say goodbye.
4. Sometimes I secretly wish I could live my life as a wood nymph, singing enchanted melodies and tip-toeing around mystical forests with leaves laced in my hair.  :)
5. I absolutely love being the middle child.
6. Thanks to my brothers, there will always be a special place in my heart for Strong Bad Emails.  Sewiously!
7. If I could be anywhere in the world it would be in the little mountain towns of Switzerland.
8. I thoroughly enjoy yoga and meditation.
9. The only two things I don't like about Utah are a) Autumn never lasts very long, and b) There are never enough thunderstorms.
10. I'm a quarter Armenian.
11. I ridiculously adore high heels, but hardly ever wear them because they make me too tall.
12. Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints means everything in the world to me.  I know it's true and it is the source of all my strength, love, hope, happiness, and direction.
13.  Music is one of my passions.
14. My dream item to own would be a private jet, so that the whole world would be at my fingertips :)
15. I believe it's best to live with an open and passionate heart, even though it makes one vulnerable.
              "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."